IXOPAY Features

The IXOPAY payment orchestration platform brings independence and flexibility to your online payment management. Provided as a platform as a service (PaaS), IXOPAY uses one API to connect you to numerous payment service providers (PSPs), acquirers and processors. You can also connect to the Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP), Business Intelligence (BI) or 3rd-party software of your choice.

IXOPAY functions as a payment gateway, covering everything you need to process and manage your online transactions. From an acquirer-agnostic PCI Vault to risk and fraud management modules as well as reconciliation and settlement tools, IXOPAY has the necessary features to process the entire lifecycle of a transaction. Equip your business with our enterprise payment platform to see a 15% increase in turnover.

Fully PCI Compliant Card Vaulting

The IXOPAY Card Vault provides an independent means of storing and tokenizing your customers’ payment data. Our PCI-DSS Level 1, PCI 3DS, and GDPR-compliant solution thus provides you with more flexibility, reliability and the largest possible degree of independence from your payment service providers.

Smart Transaction Routing

The IXOPAY Smart Routing Engine allows you to define various flow strategies for your payment transactions, allowing you to forward each individual transaction to the best suited payment service provider and thus increase conversions and reduce transaction fees.

You can use various criteria to control the routing decisions: card data, customer data, geographic parameters, risk classification as well as a variety of platform and application-specific data.

The Smart Routing Engine allows you to configure and edit new and existing routes via a user-friendly drag&drop interface. Any changes you make can be applied immediately.

Monitoring & Reporting

As your central interface for all payment transactions, IXOPAY makes your payment flows fully transparent. Thanks to our integrated reporting tools, you have immediate access to all critical KPIs at a glance, and can easily customize your own attractive and insightful dashboard views, define pivot tables directly and export financial reports. You can automatically transfer data for further analysis to Business Intelligence solutions in your system environment.

Post Processing, Reconciliation & Settlements

The IXOPAY Post Processing Engine automates all your reconciliation and settlement workflows. Optimize the complex process of exchanging and matching up transaction data with third party systems and service providers, with the IXOPAY platform consolidating the various disparate formats used by different PSPs and displaying them in a centralized and uniform manner.

Risk Management Engine

The IXOPAY Risk Management Engine allows you to independently implement your own fraud prevention and risk management strategy. Make it easier to identify and refuse fraudulent transactions and react accordingly to potentially high risk payments.

The associated verification criteria can be configured individually and combined to form risk profiles, which are applied when assessing transactions. These criteria include the individual transaction data, such as the amount, payment method, user data, geographic location, technical data and aggregated historical transaction data.

If you are already using external risk management and fraud prevention services, the results returned by these services can easily be interpreted in our score card and used to determine how to handle a transaction.

Fee Management Engine

Ensure full transparency: our Fee Management Engine calculates the external fees and commission incurred when processing a payment in realtime, no matter which and how many service providers are involved, ensuring you always have an overview of the associated costs. The stored fees are not only used to automatically control reconciliation and settlement data, but also form the basis for optimizing costs with smart routing.

Customer Payment Profiles

Do you have multiple websites, apps and/or shops? Customer payment profiles in IXOPAY allow end customers to store their payment methods (cards, IBAN, digital wallets etc.) and use them with all of your eCommerce sales channels. Furthermore, you can display payment options sorted by customer preference or cost. Create a seamless user-friendly shopping and payment experience for all your end customers and a consistent brand experience.

Secure Payouts

How can funds be securely transferred to customers? PSPs, ISOs, and enterprise merchants active in sectors like iGaming, digital advertising, and licensed forex and currency exchange routinely face challenges with payouts.

In such cases, IXOPAY's secure payouts feature comes to rescue. Secure payouts give you complete control over each financial disbursement. You can apply the four-eyes-principle and configure review rules that follow your risk profiles. If the amount being paid out exceeds a predefined limit, IXOPAY's secure payouts can trigger customizable notifications to inform crucial personnel and delay payment until further verification.

Adapter Catalog

Our adapters form the technical connection between IXOPAY and various payment service providers including credit card acquirers and providers of alternative payment methods such as digital wallets. You can also integrate risk management solutions, eCommerce platforms, ERP and CRM systems, and much more, further benefiting from processing transactions via IXOPAY.

A single central API for all providers delivers a resilient and future proof means of accessing the global payment landscape. Our catalog of adapters is continually being updated and extended to include new integrations, making it the fastest growing ecosystem in the payment sector.

Integration Options for Any Checkout Scenario

IXOPAY provides a wide range of options for integrating an elegant, consistent and customer-friendly payment process as part of your checkout process.

Whatever your requirements, IXOPAY can meet them: SDKs for mobile apps, hosted payment pages with a dynamic selection of payment methods, server-to-server API for PCI-compliant environments and our Payment.js library with hosted fields that helps ensure your PCI scope is kept as small as possible.

If MOTO orders (Mail Order / Telephone Order) are essential to your business, we also offer a virtual terminal to handle these requirements.

White Label - the Perfect Platform for your Payment Business

Our White Label platform is designed to give you a rock-solid technical foundation to build your business on, freeing up resources and budgets so that you can focus on the most important challenges – go-to-market, growth and customer success – without compromising on brand identity or functional depth.

Card Updater

Merchants often face issues with outdated card information, which prevents payment. Maintain up-to-date payment information for registered clients using VISA and Mastercard credit cards with IXOPAY’s Card Updater. The Card Updater ensures payment continuity with customers and reduces fees related to declined transactions. 

Don’t let your cashflow be interrupted by out-of-date data!

Pay By Link

Pay by link is a simple way to sell products and services online. Generate links that customers can use to pay for online purchases of goods and services. You can automatically send links via the IXOPAY platform or send them manually. Email templates can be customized in the platform. Keep your brand center stage by adding your colors and logo.

As soon as the customers click on the payment link, they are automatically directed to the payment page. Depending on the chosen payment method, IXOPAY will send the customers to the corresponding payment provider. Once payment has been made, the customer is informed whether or not it was successful. Confirmation is then sent to the platform user by IXOPAY.

Schedule Payments with IXOPAY

The IXOPAY platform includes an easy-to-use payment scheduler that covers all the essential functions for recurring payments.

If your recurring business model has more complex requirements, then IXOPLAN is the right complementary solution for you, and can also be combined with your marketing and analysis tools.

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